Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sparky Is Back, Baby

Sparky is BACK from vacation and whew...did Sparky have a good time! Sparky stayed with Sparky's MawMaw while Sparky's family on vacation and it was a gooooooooood time. Look at Sparky in this picture. See how dirty Sparky is? Sparky loves to play in the mud and MawMaw's house has all the right stuff for that. Creeks, bugs, a barn full of kittens, mud, kittens, more mud, kittens, mud, kittens...wait, Sparky repeating himself. Sparky loves him some fresh mud and some kittens to play with. Here is a close up of Sparky's paw...can you hear my mama screaming now?

Sparky has the best MawMaw. She buy Sparky bones and feed him eggrolls and ribs and take him for early morning walks. But Mawmaw's house much more quiet than Sparky's kids running kids to knock down and steal snacks from...but Mawmaw got kittens, and there is that. Sparky missed that family, though. By about Day 3, Sparky ready for his mama to rub his ears and his kids to play tug-of-war with rawhide bone. And frankly, Sparky missed his favorite place to sleep at home (right in front of the stairs after family goes to bed). Here is a picture of Sparky thinking about what to do outside, but sorta looking for family car...

Finally, Sparky family came to get Sparky. Whew. Sparky glad to be back home. Sparky has a lot to share about his vacation, but right now, Sparky going to steal Ellery's taco off her plate before she notices and then going to take nap in middle of the living room floor.


  1. Maw Maw misses Sparky's slobbering kisses, a wagging tail hitting the floor, his playful kitty dances, licking our plates clean and giving us a furry footstool in front of the couch! Come back Sparky!
