Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sparky Has Something To Say...

Sparky wants you to look at this picture and tell Sparky exactly what is missing...

Hmmm...Sparky has his kids, check. Sparky has a costume, check. Sparky looking at camera, check. SPARKY HAS NO CANDY BUCKET. Sparky completely unclear about how anyone can fully enjoy the Halloween eating holiday if someone doesn't give Sparky a candy bucket. And yet, Sparky's mama expected Sparky to walk all over the neighborhood wearing a saddle and a cowboy and NOT collect a crunch bar...not a plain m&m...not a tootsie roll...not Sparky favorite, the sucker...not even a starburst. Hmpf. Sparky's mama done lost her ever loving mind, if you ask Sparky.

Hence, Sparky spent most of the evening doing this:

Also, while Sparky has this platform, Sparky would like to take this opportunity to say Sparky officially disagrees with the the vet office guy. Chocolate is just fine for Sparky. Sparky regularly steals it from the pantry and it all works out just fine. Sparky just sayin. All this leaves Sparky feeling a little wistful.

And out of sorts...

Sparky going to make a candy stealing plan. Sparky suggests you email any and all stealthy candy snagging ideas to Sparky@SparkyStealsCandy.com.

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